Pregnancy weeks calculator
To calculate the weeks of pregnancy, you can use the date of last menstruation (DUM) method or ultrasound.
Here's how you can do it:
Calculation based on the date of the last menstruation (DUM):
- Determine the date of your last menstruation: Remember the date you had your last complete menstrual cycle, including the beginning and end.
- Subtract 3 months: Subtract 3 months from the date of your last menstruation.
- Add 7 days: Add 7 days to the result obtained.
- This will be your approximate calculation of weeks of pregnancy.
For example, if your last period started on January 1st, subtract 3 months, giving you October 1st, then add 7 days, giving you October 8th as the approximate start date of your pregnancy. If the current date is June 17, it means you are approximately 32 weeks pregnant.
Calculation based on ultrasound:
- A more accurate method of calculating the weeks of pregnancy is ultrasound. During an ultrasound, a medical professional or technician will use an ultrasound device to measure the size of the fetus and estimate the gestation period based on its physical characteristics.
Ultrasound provides a more precise estimate of the weeks of pregnancy than the date of last menstruation method, since it takes into account the actual development of the fetus.
If you want accurate information about your pregnancy weeks, we recommend that you consult a doctor or obstetrician/gynecologist. They will be able to perform an ultrasound and give you an accurate assessment of your situation.
Please note that these are general guidelines only and may vary from woman to woman. It is always best to rely on a medical professional for an accurate calculation of the weeks of pregnancy.